Ministries in St Therese

Help us keep our celebrations dignified and beautiful. If you’re able to assist, please fill out the form below. Doing good, but feel called to do more? Why not offer a little of your time and energy in the service of the Gospel and your fellow parishioners? Serve God and others!



Acolytes assist Fr. Simon at the altar during Mass, helping to ensure the dignity and smooth flow of the liturgy. This ministry is reserved for adults and requires specialized training, as acolytes take on specific roles in serving at the altar.

Altar Linen

This ministry involves the reverent care and washing of the linens used on the altar during Mass.


Families are invited to present the gifts of bread and wine for Holy Communion during each Mass. This simple yet meaningful role is a wonderful way to participate in the liturgy.


Volunteers assist by operating the projector to display slides during Mass, helping the congregation follow along with prayers, hymns, and readings

Saturday Gardening (No Lawn Mowing)

Join our team between 10-11 am any Saturday (weather permitting) for light gardening—raking leaves, trimming, and sweeping paths. Just bring your gloves and hat! No roster, no commitment—let’s keep our church gardens looking beautiful together.


Help pass around the collection plates during Mass. It's a small but important way to serve the parish community.

Altar Servers

Children and young adults who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to join this ministry, assisting the priest during Mass. Training and support are provided as they learn their roles, helping to foster a deeper understanding of the liturgy and their service at the altar.


Educating the children of Denistone East School about their Catholic faith is one of the most vital ministries at St. Therese. Our dedicated group of volunteers finds this work deeply rewarding. Half-hour lessons are held on Tuesday mornings, with each class led by a teacher and a helper. Training and teaching materials are provided, ensuring volunteers feel well-supported in sharing the faith with the next generation.


This ministry involves proclaiming the First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, and Prayers of the Faithful during Mass. It’s open to everyone, and parish training is provided for all volunteers. You can also be rostered for the Mass you normally attend. Your commitment will be to the roster.

Music Ministry

Everyone participates in music by singing at Mass, but we need those with musical talents to join the choir or play instruments. High school students are encouraged to join the Ychoir on the fourth Sunday, while primary school children are invited to sing at Family Masses. It's a rewarding experience, leading the congregation in worship. Your commitment will be to the team and the roster.


This ministry involves arranging the flowers that enhance the beauty of our church. Volunteers are currently on a monthly roster, but with more participants, the schedule can be adjusted. Volunteers purchase the flowers and submit the receipts to the Parish office for full reimbursement.

Social Media

Help keep our media presence updated, including Facebook and the parish website. If you have other skills or ideas, we’re open to suggestions! Your creativity and input are welcome to help us reach more people.

Hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

Bring Holy Communion to those in the hospital on Sundays. Due to the sensitive nature of visiting hospitals, training is essential. Volunteers will receive training for the ministry of Holy Communion, along with hospital-specific training, including vaccines and background checks handled by the hospital. This is one of the most important ministries in our parish, offering spiritual comfort to those in need.

Nursing Home Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

Bring Holy Communion to the residents of San Antonio Nursing Home on Thursdays after the 9am Mass. Training to become an EMHC is provided, but no additional training is required for nursing home visits, unlike the hospital ministry. This is a meaningful way to serve those who cannot attend Mass.