Anointing of the Sick

Throughout the year, we hold special Masses with the anointing of the sick. However, if you or a loved one require the sacrament, Father is available to visit you at home or in the hospital. Please don't hesitate to reach out.

Adult Baptism

and welcoming to the Catholic Church

Christian initiation process typically begins in the second half of the year, extending until Easter of the following year. This formative journey, ideally conducted in a group setting, entails weekly meetings where participants delve into Catholic beliefs, foster a deeper understanding of God as Father, and embrace the church as a vibrant community.

Who Is It For? This process welcomes:

  1. Unbaptized individuals seeking baptism in the Catholic Church,

  2. Non-Catholic Christians desiring to join the Catholic faith, and

  3. Lapsed Catholics who have not received First Holy Communion or Confirmation.

How to Begin Initiating contact with someone in the parish is the first step. Many attendees approach the priest after Mass, while others reach out to the parish office via phone or in person. From there, discussions with the priest will guide the process forward.

If you have any inquiries or uncertainties, feel free to bring them along and ask during your conversation with the priest.


Priesthood and Religious Vocations

Since the dawn of Christianity, many have felt a special call to dedicate their lives to God through priesthood or consecrated life, embracing vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

If you feel called to serve in this sacred capacity, we encourage you to speak with your priest, who can offer guidance and support in discerning God's will for your life